Getting Started:
It Depends - Every dog is different.
When I’m thinking about how to start a dog, I have to understand how old the pup is, what gender they are, what experiences they’ve had, and then I can start to get a game plan together. Usually I like to call and have a conversation so I have a better picture of your dog before they even come out to the ranch. Those initial consultations are free of charge – I can’t be useful to you until I have the full picture.
When I understand where we’re starting from, we’ll set up a time for you to come out to the ranch. We will usually be in a small round pen with the right stock for your pup. A very young puppy in a smaller breed, I may start on ducks. An older pup of a larger breed may spend some time with the goats. After I spend some time getting to know your dog, we will likely perform an instinct test.
A Herding Instinct Test is a simple test to determine if your dog has the instinct required for herding. You cannot make a dog herd; they have to want to do it. In the actual test, your dog is carefully introduced to a small flock of goats that are accustomed to working with dogs.